Activate Hamilton Candidate Bio:

Gail Greene

Gail Greene


Gail Greene is a wife to Derek and a homeschool mother to six beautiful children ages 6 months to 14 years. The Greene's are also a foster family and are currently helping with respite care and emergency placements. They proudly attend Calvary Chapel in Chattanooga and their faith in God is the lens by which they see the world.

Gail attended the University of Mississippi where she earned her graduate and undergraduate degrees. She found her true passion when the Covid "Plandemic" thrust her into a vibrant role as a citizen lobbyist fighting for her family's God-given rights and medical freedom. For four years now, when the legislature is in session, Gail has traveled to the Tennessee Capitol on a weekly basis advocating for Republican values and fighting to keep our state as Conservative as possible. She is an active member of the Chattanooga Republican Women and serves as their Legislative Liaison. Gail was grateful to work with her Senator, Bo Watson, in 2024 to get her first piece of legislation passed protecting religious liberty for foster families in TN. She was also honored to receive a 2024 Flame Award from the Tennessee Conservative News for being a Conservative Citizen Lobbyist. To date, Gail's greatest political accomplishment is her effort as the volunteer coordinator for her dear friend and fellow church member, Michele Reneau, State Representative for District 27.

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